Traveling to across the country with an infant can be challenging even with the most compliant child, but it can be done. Planning is the most crucial step in any trip and becomes even more important when taking a child. Some important things to take into consideration are scheduling, amount of baby gear needed, and age of the infant.

If you are planning to travel by airplane, finding an early flight makes it much easier to travel with an infant. Preparations to leave the house can be done while the baby is still sleeping which makes it easier to keep the baby on a schedule and less stressful getting out of the door. The flights are usually less full in the morning, which allows you more room during the flight. If you have decided to make an automotive trip; however, being able to travel at night will be easier because this is when the baby normally sleeps and this will help prevent long stops. Traveling by car will also mean you are able to avoid jet lag.
Plan on packing the vehicle after the baby goes to bed to ensure you have time to double check your luggage and make certain you have everything you need. Once you start driving, the infant usually will go back to sleep and sleep through the trip.
Many people find that it is actually easier to fly with a younger baby than an older child because the older one wants to get up and move around. This can be countered by having small toys in your carry-on baggage to engage the child with. Baby food and formula is allowed in your carry-on baggage as long as you declare it at the security checkpoint. You should also carry plastic Ziploc bags to put dirty diapers in, as the flight attendants cannot take those from you.
Whatever the age of the infant, you should let them nurse, drink a bottle, or suck a “binky”/thumb upon take off and landing to prevent the air pressure from bothering their ears. An older child will present the same entertainment challenge when you are driving or when you are flying. That is why I think it is easier to travel at night, but if you need to travel during the day, frequent stops can be made to alleviate the boredom of the child.
Traveling by car can be taxing no matter the age of the infant. It can be easier; however, to bring all the gear that a baby requires especially if you have to bring a bed, a highchair, a stroller, diapers, wipes, baby food, formula, and a car seat. Due to airline restrictions on luggage, you may have more luggage to check than the airline actually allows, or the items you have may exceed the allotted weigh requirements. A car seat and stroller count as one of the allowed checked bags. Getting all the gear into your vehicle may present a different trial, but it is far easier to bring more baby gear.
Learning how to enjoy traveling with an infant just requires a little pre planning. No matter which method of travel you choose, the destination will be worth all your effort.
[box]Post provided by, and comparison website which makes it easy to compare flight fares for all the major airlines.[/box]