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Walking on the Wild Side in Africa

Walking safaris in big game territory are incredibly thrilling due to the danger you openly put yourself in. You will walk with an expert guide, a gun and a back up guide, all of whom will be experts on the bush and wildlife

Sunny South Africa

South Africa is one of the countries in Africa that is making real efforts to make their tourists feel safe and welcome, and after the success of the 2010 Soccer World Cup, more and more people are considering South Africa as a holiday destination. But what can I expect when I get there? And why should I go there instead of to some more exotic location?

Top 5 Luxury Safari Dos And Donts

When going on a luxury safari for the first time you will realize on arrival how relaxed the whole thing is – it would be hard to make a real faux pas but when faced with how to behave there are few don’ts which if adhered to should mean you will avoid too many frowns.