We all know how daunting organising a holiday could be. The limited vacation time of a full time job, the stress leading to that point and sometimes financial and availability constraints limit our options. However, in order to prepare for one of the best holidays in Spain ever, you have to be organised.

In order to do so we have put our experience on the table in order to offer you a comprehensive step to step guide in order to help you organise your perfect summer vacation.
Pick a Place
First and foremost, pick the place you want to visit and pick wisely. Oftentimes choosing an infamous party spot might make your family holidays to Spain a bit dreadful for example. On the contrary, choosing a sleepy mountainside village in Majorca would be less preferential if you are up for tons of fiesta and no siesta. As such, always have a look at the options before you go and read on what’s on offer. Sometimes you might even be surprised.
Pick a Companion
Probably the most important part of your trip, as the people you travel with might make or break your Spain holidays. Before you choose who to go with there are some things you have to ask yourself. Are you after the same things during your holidays? Will you be able to share the same room if need be? Do you trust them to help you in case of an emergency? Again, choosing the place to visit is something that should be taken seriously into account by all the people involved along with every other factor explained in this guide or otherwise.
Set your Budget
An important concern for any holidaymaker, you have to set a certain amount of money to spend. Yes, it would be great to live it up on the Spanish costas on an endless holiday to Lanzarote with a blank check from a wealthy benefactor, but this tends not to happen in most cases. As such and bearing in mind the financial difficulties that anyone might be going through, you have to plan accordingly by calculating the costs and keeping some extra money on the side in case things go sour.
Pick a Deal
Following on the previous advice, booking the right deal might be the next best thing saving-wise to not boking at all. Holidays to Spain are often an affordable proposition, however depending on what you plan on doing and where to stay, this might change considerably. An all inclusive deal could change all that for the best as a package including flights, hotels, transport and tickets for tours and activities could help you save big on time and money.
Pack your Clothes
Last and final step, start packing! Choosing what to bring with you and what to leave behind is an essential step that could save you effort, money and other hassles. If you plan on leaving for a couple of days, it would be wiser to just pack the things you need and leave a bit of space in your suitcase for any souvenirs. Moreover, try to avoid heavy clothes in warm climates as those tend to weigh more and take up extra space. Nonetheless bring a scarf or a hoodie along and don’t forget to pack another pair of closed shoes beside your flip flops and sandals. A further tip would be to stick to a colour scheme in order to make choosing and combining the few clothes you bring along easier.